Sunday, January 20, 2008

Culture "Two Sevens Clash"

Here's another "no-brainer" pick for the uninitiated roots listener.

The first album released by Culture was so powerful that Jamaica nearly shut down for an entire day. This was not due to the anticipation of the music, but rather from the foreboding lyrics of lead singer Joseph Hill who said in the album's title track "Two Sevens Clash" that Armageddon would begin.

The lyrics refer to the date of July, 7th 1977 as the day when the two "sevens" would clash. The album was released in 1977 and when July 7th came around in Jamaica many business, schools, and offices closed there doors. People refused to leave there homes because they truly believed that "judgement" time was upon them. All solely because of the song's assurance that Marcus Garvey had predicted that Armageddon would come on that day.

At any rate besides the interesting back story the album is one of the better roots albums of all time. As with all good roots albums you have some big players on the session list: Sly & Robby, Bingy Bunny, Tommy McCook, and Joe Gibbs handling the amazing production.

Luckily, I was able to see Culture live before Joseph Hill's untimely death and they were really good. They played almost half of this album during the show which is sort of an indication of the importance of where it sits in there catalog.

Culture "Two Sevens Clash" Full Album

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